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  Zoey: Hey, Tobin, ①why the long face?
  Tobin: Oh, Zoey, you wouldn’t understand.
  Zoey: Try me.
  Tobin: Well, it’s stupid, really. It’s just that I…well…I’m not feeling too confident lately.
  Zoey: ②Well, that came out of the blue. You did a great job in the meeting today. Your presentation may have won a new client for us!
  Tobin: Well, thanks, Zoey, ③but that client was already kind of a done deal. I’m not sure I had anything to do with that. And lately, I dunno, ④but I feel like my work isn’t turning any heads. ⑤I guess I’m just not up to par around here.
  And ever since Alice left me…
  Zoey: ⑥Whoa, whoa, TMI.
  Tobin: Right. I’m thinking about going to talk to HR about it. I just don’t feel like I’m good enough to be here.
  Zoey: I’m glad you opened up to me about this. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.
  Tobin: Really?
  Zoey: Yeah. Your work is fine, your life is fine. All you need to do is to practice being confident.
  Tobin: I can practise confidence?
  Zoey: Of course you can! Confidence is a skill, just like anything else. In fact, the most important thing to remember about confidence is that most people don’t feel confident at all. The people who do feel confident have probably practised it.
  Tobin: But in the meeting today, I was clearly less confident than the other presenters. I 1)stuttered a lot…
  Zoey: Did you? I didn’t notice, and I bet nobody else did, either. The truth is, people are usually too worried about themselves to pay too much attention to
  anyone else. If you make a few mistakes here
  and there, ⑦chances are nobody will judge
  you for it.
  Tobin: Well, that’s good to know.
  Zoey: In fact, before people even hear you
  speak, what they notice most about you is
  your clothes. Dressing well will make other
  people think you’re more confident, and then
  it’s easier to believe in yourself. Remember:
  ⑧the clothes make the man!
  Tobin: Hm, in that case, I really didn’t dress
  the right way today. Sorry.
  Zoey: Don’t apologize for that! Every time you apologize, you make yourself seem smaller. Sure, it’s polite to apologize when you really make a mistake, but don’t overdo it!
  Tobin: Whoa, OK. Anything else?
  Zoey: The thing that helps me is to keep reminding myself of the things I do really well. ⑨Remember yesterday, when Anderson tore into me about that error I missed in the company report? I felt pretty low about that, but then I went home and made my favorite meal.   Tobin: What’s that got to do with confidence?
  Zoey: It just helped to remind myself that, even if I’m not perfect at work, I can still cook a mean 2)mac n cheese!
   Smart Sentences
  ① Why the long face? 为什么一副愁眉苦脸的样子?
  a long face: a discontented or sullen facial expression(阴郁的面容,不悦的表情)。例如:
  Don’t go to Mrs. Thomas if you don’t have to. She’s had a long face all morning.
  ② Well, that came out of the blue. 哦,真出乎我意料。
  out of the blue: sth. happens suddenly(突然地)。例如:
  The strike came out of the blue and caught everyone off guard.罢工的发生没有先兆,所有人都被打了个措手不及。
  ③ But that client was already kind of a done deal.但是跟那个客户已经是最终签约了。
  a done deal: a final decision or agreement(最终决定,最终协议)。例如:
  The merge is not a done deal. We still have to get an okay from the government.
  ④ But I feel like my work isn’t turning any heads.但我觉得我的工作无人关注。
  turn heads: sth. or sb. is getting attention or has come to be noticed(引起注意,受到关注)。例如:
  Brian didn’t expect to turn any heads, but his design was highly praised.
  ⑤ I guess I’m just not up to par around here. 我想我在这里达不到需要的水平。
  up to par: as good as the standard or average; up to standard(达到一般水平,达到标准)。例如:
  The manager said that the report was not up to par and gave it back to the team to do over again.   经理说报告没有达到标准,把它退回给小组重做。
  ⑥ Whoa, whoa, TMI. 哇,哇,你说得太多了。
  TMI: = too much information, an expression of distaste or boredom at the information being offered(用以表达对他人喋喋不休的不悦,或不耐烦)。例如:
  —I heard that John is quitting, but I think Jim should leave, not John. But Jim wouldn’t go because he is Susie’s pet. I don’t think Susie is a good supervisor’cause Chris…
  —TMI!Stop. Don’t have time for that.
  ⑦ Chances are nobody will judge you for it.很可能没人会因此批判你。
  chances are…: it’s very likely sth. is true(某事很可能是真的)。例如:
  Chances are I have to take a makeup test next week.我下星期很可能要补考。
  ⑧ The clothes make the man! 人靠衣装!
  Clothes make the man.: a proverb, people will judge sb. according to the way he/she dresses(谚语,人靠衣装)。例如:
  If you follow that clothes make the man at interviews, you will miss great talents.
  ⑨ Remember yesterday, when Anderson tore into me about that error I missed in the company report? 还记得昨天我因为在公司报告中出了错漏,而被安得生狠狠地训了一顿吗?
  tear into sb.: criticize sb. very angrily and strongly(严厉批评某人)。例如:
  Mr. Lin tore into Kelly about mistaking meter for yard.凯莉把米当成码,被林先生狠狠地批评了一通。

Host: For the rest of the hour, we’re going to talk about 1)meteorites. They are more than just 2)a chunk of rock. They can be a time 3)capsule, or ancient secrets of our solar system may be locked up
韩国“岁月”号客轮发生海难,船上3 0 0多名学生中大多数与客轮一同沉没海底,这是一场重大灾难。痛定思痛,我们需要吸取经验教训,掌握更多的船难逃生知识。  轮船发生意外时,一定要保持冷静,盲目地跟着已失去控制的人群乱跑乱撞是不行的,一味等待他人救援也会贻误逃生时间,必须采取积极的办法逃生。各人的体力不同,在水中生存的时间也不同。一般来说:人泡在15~20℃水中,可生存12小时;水温10~15℃,多
魁北克肉汁奶酪薯条太美味了!薯条、肉汁和奶酪——这样的绝配怎么会出错?  1)Poutine is amazing! Fries, 2)gravy, and cheese—how can you go wrong?  我觉得加拿大人比其他国家的人吃更多的卡夫即食通心粉。  I think Canadians eat more Kraft Dinner than any other country.
* All I need’s a little love in my life  All I need’s a little love in the dark  A little but I’m hoping it might kick start  Me and my broken heart  I need a little loving tonight  Hold me so I’m not
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十九世纪末,美国康奈尔大学曾做过一次著名的“青蛙试验”。他们将一只青蛙放在装着沸水的大锅里,青蛙触电般地立即窜了出去,并安然落地。后来,人们又把它放在一个装满凉水的大锅里,任其自由游动,再用小火慢慢加热,青蛙虽然可以感觉到外界温度的变化,却因惰性而没有立即往外跳,等后来感到热度难忍时已经来不及了。这就是有名的“煮蛙效应”或“温水青蛙效应”(frog-boiling effect)。这个效应告诫我们
Cinemad 电影开场广告  Meaning: A commercial played before a movie.  不知从何时开始,电影院的影片播映前都会播放几分钟到十几分钟不等的广告,这些广告大多来自影片拍摄的赞助商,虽然这给商家提供了一处新的宣传地,但是对观众来说却不是那么受欢迎。Cinemad就是指这类在电影开映前播放的广告。部分在线视频网站也有样学样,除非你肯花钱购买会员资格才能跳