Comrades: All of us are in a heavy and tense work day and are very hard working these days. Let me first express my condolences to all of you. As a result of its criticism and self-criticism, the conference was able to examine and summarize the work of 1954 in a more realistic and realistic manner, affirmed the achievements, exchanged experiences, exposed and criticized the shortcomings, and clarified the achievements made in the 1955 financial The work facing the situation and our task. This established the ideological foundation for doing a good job in this year’s financial work. This meeting is well done and it is rewarding. During the meeting, everyone listened to the reports, studied the documents, and went through deliberations on the deliberations and deliberations of the General Assembly. Many things were clear and some specific problems were solved. I will only talk about the general aspects now. All the comrades know that the task before the entire nation in 1955 is to support the country