细菌性病害是严重危害蔬菜正常生长的主要病害之一。受此病危害的蔬菜植株会出现腐烂、斑点、枯萎、溃疡、畸形等病变症状。此病危害大、蔓延快、损失重,及时采取有效的防治措施。当蔬菜发生细菌性病害后,可亩用200ppm 农用链霉素,或0%代森铵50~75克,或井岗霉素60—70克,或百菌清50—0,加水50~75公斤,每隔7天喷雾一次,连喷2—3次,即可收到良好的防治效果。
Bacterial diseases are one of the major diseases that seriously endanger the normal growth of vegetables. Vegetable plants that are endangered by the disease may show symptoms of decay, spotting, wilting, ulcers, deformities and other pathological changes. The disease is harmful, spread fast, heavy loss, take timely and effective prevention and treatment measures. When the occurrence of bacterial diseases of vegetables, acres of agricultural streptomycin can be 200ppm, or 0% ammonium 50 ~ 75 grams, or Jinggangmycin 60-70 grams, or chlorothalonil 50-0, add water 50 ~ 75 Kg, spray every 7 days, and even spray 2-3 times, you can receive a good control effect.