CHINA TROPICAL AGRICULTURE逢双月10日出版国内外公开发行《中国热带农业》是由农业部主管,中国农垦经济发展中心和农业部南亚热带作物中心主办,农业部农垦局和农业部发展南亚热带作物办公室指导的综合性期刊。国际标准刊号:ISSN1673-0658国内统一刊号:CN11-5318/F邮发代号:80-376广告经营许可证:京西工商广字第0192号开户名称:中国农垦经济发展中心开户银行:招商银行北京分行十里河支行银行账号:110908620910301本刊地址:北京市朝阳区东三环南路96号农丰大厦809室邮政编码:100122电话:010-59199525传真:010-59199526电子信箱:rdny@vip.163.com
CHINA TROPICAL AGRICULTURE Posted on Every Tuesday 10th China’s Tropical Agriculture is sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, sponsored by the China National Reclamation Center for Economic Development and the South Subtropical Crops Center under the Ministry of Agriculture. The Bureau of Land Reclamation and the Ministry of Agriculture Development Office of the South Subtropical Crops Guided comprehensive journal. International Standard Issue Number: ISSN1673-0658 Unified Issue Number: CN11-5318 / F Postal Code: 80-376 Advertising Business License: No. 0192, BeiJing GuangYi GuangYu Account Name: China National Reclamation Economic Development Center Bank: Merchants Bank Beijing Branch Shilihe Branch Bank account: 110908620910301 Address: Room 809, Nongfeng Building, No.96, East Third Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Postal Code: 100122 Tel: 010-59199525 Fax: 010-59199526 E-mail: rdny @ vip. 163.com