Epilepsy is a common neurological disease. It is reported that the incidence of foreign residents is 0.4 to 7% (Turner, Lennex), 0.4-0.78% in China, which is far lower than that in other countries, but accounts for a considerable proportion in specialist outpatients and inpatients. The disease is a group of clinical syndromes. According to its causes can be divided into two categories: one is the primary epilepsy (or idiopathic epilepsy), such epilepsy in clinical or pathological examination, no clear cause of the discovery. The other is symptomatic epilepsy, or epilepsy due to a variety of different diseases, such as brain inflammation, brain parasites, brain tumors, brain trauma, cerebrovascular disease, Cysticercrombosis, liver and kidney and other diseases caused by kidney and other metabolic disorders, endocrine dysfunction, hypoxia, poisoning and so on. This shows that patients with epilepsy find