背景介绍:2010年将迎来传统的虎年,红色与金色能代表虎的颜色,也是传统的中国色。在这个基础上adidas推出了复古式的Top Ten以及Shooting Star,前者是男款,后者为女款。潮流总是变幻莫测的,要抓住最时尚的Style,敏锐的嗅觉和敢Show的作风才是关键。现在,在球场上你用球技打动球迷,在球场外你用球鞋吸引眼球。篮球如今已成为一个时尚运动,篮球明星在派对中总是最耀眼的一个,高大英俊,再加上一双得体的球鞋,无疑是众人瞩目的焦点。
Background: 2010 will usher in the Year of the Tiger, red and gold can represent the color of the tiger, but also the traditional Chinese color. On this basis adidas launched the retro Top Ten and Shooting Star, the former is the male models, the latter female models. The trend is always unpredictable, to seize the most fashionable Style, keen sense of smell and dare Show style is the key. Now, on the court you use the ball skills to impress your fans and use your shoes to grab attention outside the court. Basketball has now become a fashion sport, basketball star is always the most dazzling party, tall and handsome, coupled with a pair of decent shoes, is undoubtedly the focus of public attention.