An Interpretation of the Origin of Distribution Anomalies of △C

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnfengzhong
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Zonal distribution of seepage hydrocarbon|induced altered carbonates over oil/gas reservoirs is a common phenomenon observed in the field. The authors considered that the continuous production of CO-2 within the !alteration chimney“ gives rise to a significant difference in physical and chemical properties between its interior and the surrounding country rocks. And it is this difference that has promoted the erosion and precipitation of carbonates, thus leading to the zonal distribution of seepage hydrocarbon|induced altered carbonates over oil/gas reservoirs. This may be a reasonable interpretation of the phenomenon described above. Zonal distribution of seepage hydrocarbon | induced altered carbonates over oil / gas reservoirs is a common phenomenon observed in the field. The authors considered that the continuous production of CO - 2 within the ! Alteration chimney ”gives rise to a significant difference in physical and chemical properties between its interior and the surrounding country rocks. And it is this difference that has promoted the erosion and precipitation of carbonates, thus leading to the zonal distribution of seepage hydrocarbons induced altered carbonates over oil / This may be a reasonable interpretation of the phenomenon described above.
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摘 要:小学语文课本中的古诗,绝大多数是绝句。绝句言简义丰,在指导学生阅读时,应注意发掘它的丰富内容,弄清它的内在联系,领会诗人的思想感情。指导学生从了解背景,理解题意、品词析句,弄清联系、进入意境,领会诗意、练习诵读,悟出诗情等方面阅读这些诗篇,可开阔他们的视野,丰富他们的语言,陶冶他们的情操,发展他们的思维提高他们的审美能力。  关键词:关键词:古诗学法;指导浅谈  古诗是我国文学艺术瑰宝中的