1996年,烟台市围绕创建海洋经济强市这一中心,本着管理好、使用好所辖海域的原则,全面拓宽海洋管理领域,全力构筑海洋管理的大框架,海洋综合管理大见成效。 1.海洋管理队伍素质明显提高 为建立一支政治合格、业务过硬、执法有力的管理队伍,他们先后多次请中央和省海洋管理部门的领导辅导涉海法律法规和新形势下管理海洋方面的知识;请国家海洋局及宁波海洋学校的专家学者对市、县两级70多名海洋监察人员进行严格培训,取得了管理资格,有力地提高了管理人员的执法水平。
In 1996, focusing on creating a strong center for marine economic development, Yantai City comprehensively broadened the field of marine management and built a large framework for marine management in the light of the principle of managing and utilizing the sea areas under its jurisdiction. 1. The quality of the marine management team has obviously improved In order to establish a qualified management team with excellent business and law enforcement, they have repeatedly asked the leaders of the central and provincial maritime administrations for guidance on the laws and regulations concerning the sea and the ocean in the management of the new situation Knowledge; invited State Oceanic Administration and Ningbo Ocean University experts and scholars on city and county levels more than 70 marine inspectors to carry out rigorous training, obtained management qualifications, effectively improve the management level of law enforcement.