“实力+机遇=成功”,这话一点儿不假。在我国天津举行的第四十三届世界乒乓球锦标赛上,中国男队中一个文质彬彬并不显山露水的英俊小伙子,一鸣惊人地击败所有对手,最终登上男子单打世界冠军的领奖台,高高地举起了已阔别国人六载的圣·勃莱德杯,着实让赛场的和坐在电视机前收看现场实况转播的同胞们又激动了一回;当然,也让赛前预测男单冠军得主的行家们重重地跌了一回“份”。 他,就是年仅19岁的孔令辉。 儿时,顽皮得令人生畏 1975年10月18日,孔令辉降生在黑龙江省哈尔滨市的一个乒乓世家里。父亲孔祥智是黑龙江省
“Strength + opportunity = success”, these words are not false at all. At the 43rd World Table Tennis Championships in Tianjin, China, a handsome and handsome young man who was not well-mannered in the Chinese men’s team beat all the opponents to the top of the men’s singles world champion podium Elevated to lift up the other people have been away from home for six contained the Holy Star, really let the stadium and sitting in front of the TV to watch live live on the scene and the fans excited once again; of course, let the forecast before the men’s singles Champion winners have plunged heavily back. He is Kong Linghui, only 19 years old. Childhood, naughty was daunting 1975 October 18, Kong Linghui was born in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, a ping-pong family. Father Kong Xiangzhi is Heilongjiang Province