松滋市的八宝镇是个拥有8万人、12万亩耕地的农业大镇,自1998年洪水肆虐之后又连续三年风、虫、旱、渍多灾并发……。镇村两级举债8000万元,人平千元;欠发干部工资400万元;农田因欠缴电费289万元,旱不能灌,涝不能排的撂荒田近万亩。 2001年初,卢家国被调任八宝镇党委书记,他深感肩上的担子好沉! 凭实干赢得了民心,以奉献换取了真情“现状如此,怎样开局?”卢家国一边走村串户察镇情民意,一边东奔西跑抓运转启动。他上任三天,机关食堂就飘出了炊烟;一周内,农业供电不再被拉闸;镇机关的干部领到了间隔一年多才发出来的第一份全额薪水……。卢家国咬定“民心是发展的最大支点”的道理,对群众,他有求必应、有困必帮体现出一个共产党员乐于奉献的优秀
The town of Songzi is a large agricultural town with 80,000 inhabitants and 120,000 mu of cultivated land. Since the flood ravaged in 1998, it has three consecutive winds, insects, drought and stains. Township and village level debt 80000000 yuan, people flat thousand yuan; owed cadres salary 4000000 yuan; farmland due to the lack of payment of electricity 2.89 million yuan, drought can not irrigation, waterlogging can not row of wasteland nearly mu. At the beginning of 2001, Lu Jiaguo was transferred to the party secretary of Babao town. He deeply felt the heavy burden on his shoulders! He won the hearts and minds by his hard work and paid his dedication in exchange for the truth. “So the status quo is, how to get started?” Public opinion, while running around running catch start. After he took office for three days, the canteen floated out smoke and smoke. Within a week, the power supply to agriculture was no longer being rolled out. The cadres from the town authorities received the first full salary, which was sent over a year ago. Lu Jia-guo insisted that “people’s will is the biggest fulcrum for development” and that he is content with the masses and he must be able to embody the dedication and dedication of a Communist Party member