多数人缺乏致富信心 大多数人对财富都有占有欲,而缺乏成功的信心。特别是一些笃信命理的人,他们根本就没有致富的念头,认为自己不是大富大贵之人,无须为创造大量财富而烦恼,也不相信自己真的能够发财致富。所以说,信心是决定致富的关键。成功的创富者总是满怀胜利的信心,排除一切困难。而失败者则以自卑悲观心理面对世界,其后果一辈子也富不了。 仔细观察比较一下我们大多数人与成功者的心态,尤其是关键时候的心态,我们就会发现有无信心则导致人生惊人的不同。
Most people lack the confidence to get rich Most people have a possessive of wealth, but lack the confidence of success. Especially those who believe in numerology, they simply do not have the idea of getting rich. They think they are not wealthy, needless to worry about creating vast amounts of wealth, and do not believe that they can really make a fortune. So, confidence is the key to making a fortune. Successful wealth-generating people always full of confidence in the victory, ruled out all difficulties. The losers pessimistic psychology to the face of the world with inferiority, the consequences of life can not be rich. A closer look at the mentality of most of us and the winners, especially at a critical moment, reveals the surprising difference in life without confidence.