
来源 :文史春秋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdronglin
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“皇祚御统传万代,万代之后又万代。直到小石成巨岩,直到巨岩遍苔藓。” 1945年明15日,东京时间中午 12时,在日本本土、“满州国”、朝鲜,以及东南亚、中国的日本占领区,响起了日本国歌《君之代》的旋律,数以万计的日本军民肃立在收音机旁“恭聆御音”——天皇裕仁宣读《告帝国忠良臣民书》:“察世界大势及帝国现状,朕决定采取非常之措施,以收拾时局。帝国政府已受旨通知美英中三国,接受彼等《波茨坦公告》提出之各项条件。”诏书通篇虽无“成败”、“投降”等字眼, 但许多人早在一个多月前就知道了《波茨坦公告》这一最后通谍的内容。他们明白,昔日不可一世的“大日本帝国”已经向同盟国投降。 “The royal emperor imperial family pass generations, generations after generations, until small rock into a giant rock, until the rock covered the moss.” Ming 15, 1945, Tokyo time at 12 o’clock in Japan, “Manchuria”, North Korea, and Southeast Asia , The Japanese occupying area of ​​China sounded the melody of the Japanese national anthem “Jun Generation,” and tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers and soldiers stood by the radio to “listen to the royal voice.” Emperor Hirohito read “ To investigate the general trend of the world and the present state of the empire, we decided to take extraordinary measures to clean up the current situation. The imperial government has since notified the three countries of the United States, Britain, the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom to accept the conditions set forth in their Potsdam Proclamation. ”And“ surrender ”, but many people knew the final Popestation Notice as early as more than a month ago. They understand that the once-great “Great Japan Empire” has surrendered to the allies.
平肝降压汤是近年来研制的治疗高血压病的有效方剂 ,其疗效可能是通过调节血管活性物质促使血管平滑肌舒张而起作用 [1~ 3 ]。本实验将平肝降压汤加减并改用颗粒免煎剂 ,再加
目前 ,中药方剂调配普遍存在剂量 (本文特指每剂中药的重量 )误差偏大的现象 ,直接影响了中药的临床疗效 ,有的还加重了药物的毒副作用 ,严重的甚至会危及患者的生命安全。结
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