益生菌是一种对人体有益的细菌。健康宝宝体内有多种益生菌,它们定植在肠道内壁,激活免疫细胞,提高机体免疫力,并 形成起保护作用的菌膜,阻止有害物质通过肠道进入体内。它还可以促进体内菌群平衡,从而让身体更健康。 台湾著名品牌葡萄王健肠益生,含有7种活性益生菌和低聚果糖(双歧因子),对人体有益菌的补充更科学、更均衡,而且, 食用非常方便,冲服、口嚼任由选择! 那么,生活中哪些宝宝急需补充益生菌呢?
Probiotics are bacteria that are good for the human body. Healthy baby there are many kinds of probiotics in the body, they colonize the intestine wall, activate immune cells, improve immunity, and the formation of a protective film, to prevent the entry of harmful substances through the intestine. It can also promote the balance of the body flora, so that the body more healthy. Taiwan’s famous brand grape king intestinal intestine probiotics, contains seven kinds of active probiotics and fructo-oligosaccharides (bifidus factor), supplementation of human beneficial bacteria more scientific and balanced, and, eating very convenient, blunt, chewing the left So, what baby life urgently need to add probiotics it?