
来源 :电波科学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdc988
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本文简要说明了我们对大气波导的统计方法,并对统计结果作了讨论和分析。文中详细讨论了中国低空大气波导在不同地区的出现情况,说明了它们在各地出现概率随季节月份的变化情况及日变化情况,还说明了悬空波导和贴地波导基本分布状况;对于波导顶高、强度、厚度、高度等特征量,主要给出了它们的平均值和波导在不同数值上的分布。结果表明,我国低空大气波导出现的高概率区是南部沿海、东南沿海、东部沿海和西北地区中部;我国的四大高原、天山以北和东北平原是无波导区;我国低空大气波导的顶高一般在地面上2000m以内,强度在0~20M单位之间,厚度一般是100~500m,高度是西北地区绝大部分为0米,沿海地区大多数超过300m。同时文中也讨论了我国低空大气波导的分布和我国各地的具体地理位置、气候条件的相关情况。 This article gives a brief account of our statistical approach to atmospheric ducting and discusses and analyzes the statistical results. This paper discusses in detail the emergence of low-altitude atmospheric waveguides in different regions of China, and shows their occurrence probability and diurnal variation with different seasons in different regions. It also shows the basic distribution of the suspended waveguides and the guided waveguides; , Intensity, thickness, height and other characteristic quantities, mainly given their average and waveguide distribution in different values. The results show that the high probability regions of the low-altitude atmospheric waveguides in our country are the southern coast, the southeast coast, the eastern coast and the central part of the northwestern region. The four plateau in China, the north of Tianshan and the northeast plain are non-waveguiding areas. Generally within 2000m on the ground, the intensity of 0 ~ 20M units, the thickness is generally 100 ~ 500m, the height of the vast majority of the Northwest 0 meters, most of the coastal areas more than 300m. At the same time, the article also discusses the distribution of low-altitude atmospheric waveguides in our country and the specific geographical locations and climatic conditions in different parts of China.
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