在中国天津中医学院第一附属医院,提起石学敏的名字,职工们便会情不自禁地竖起大拇指,称赞他是一位学有专长的医学家,更是一位卓有建树的好院长。 在几十年的临床和科研生涯中,石学敏著书8部计千万余字,撰写论文300余篇,对中医针灸学进行了开拓性研究,提出了“针刺手法量学”概念,创立了“醒脑开窍”针刺法,开辟了中医治疗的新途径,使传统的中医跨入了实验科学大门……诸多的成就使他多次荣获国家、省部级科技成果奖,以及全国卫生系统先进工作者、省市级劳动模范等殊荣。目前他是国家有突出贡献的中青年专家、天津市第一位中医博士生导师、饮誉海内外的中医学专家。对这一切,用他的话说:“这仅证明过去——我没有虚度年华。”他以医学科学家宽广博大的胸怀,恬淡、简捷地将这耀眼的辉煌轻轻掠去。因为他正在用管理学家深邃、高远的目光望着另一座峰巅——
At the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the name of Shi Xuemin was mentioned. Staff members could not help but thumbs up, praising him as a medical scientist with expertise and a well-deserved dean. In several decades of clinical and scientific research career, Shi Xuemin wrote eight books of more than 10 million words, writing more than 300 papers on the acupuncture and moxibustion conducted a pioneering study, put forward the “acupuncture metrology” concept, founded The “Xingnao Kaiqiao” acupuncture law, opened up new avenues for Chinese medicine treatment, so that traditional Chinese medicine into the door of experimental science ...... Many achievements made him repeatedly won the national, provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological achievement awards, as well as national health System advanced workers, provincial and municipal model workers and other awards. At present, he is a young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions from the state, the tutor of the first doctoral tutor of Chinese medicine in Tianjin, and is renowned as a Chinese medicine expert both at home and abroad. To all this, in his words: “This only proves the past - I do not have a great time.” With the broad and broad mind of a medical scientist, he gently and simply sweeps away this dazzling brilliance. Because he is looking deep and far-reaching vision of the management of another peak -