1 Clinical data Male, 52 years old, three days before admission, there was no incentive left lower quadrant and left lumbosacral pain, radiation to the perineum and stop the exhaust, defecation, with bloating, slightly acid reflux, heartburn, no nausea and Vomiting, no fever, no urinary frequency, dysuria and hematuria. Patients with previous history of hypertension, gallstone history. Examination: The general condition can be, no skin rashes and bleeding body, Shen Qing, lung breath sounds clear, heart rate 71 times / min, law Qi. Abdominal soft, mild left lower quadrant tenderness and tenderness, the left lumbosacral skin tenderness, no rebound tenderness and muscle tension, no gastrointestinal and intestinal peristalsis, migratory voiced negative, bowel sounds weakened, no gas