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为筛选获得类型丰富、具杂交优势的海水养殖新品种,在黑鲷(♀)×真鲷(♂)杂交子代养殖成功的基础上,于2016年4—5月,挑选经强化培育的杂交子代(♂)及黑鲷(♀)为亲鱼(雌雄配比1∶1),养于室内同一水泥池,水温16~20℃,盐度23~25,收集同步发育的自然受精卵进行孵化,采用显微摄像观察,记录回交子代胚胎和早期仔鱼的发育时序与形态特征。试验结果显示,回交子代的受精卵孵化、胚胎及仔鱼发育正常;在水温18~20.2℃、盐度25、微充气的条件下,受精卵历时42.5h完成胚胎发育,仔鱼孵化出膜;初孵仔鱼全长为2.08~2.45mm;在水温18~21.8℃、盐度23~25的条件下,经过约4d时间,仔鱼卵黄囊消失,完成早期仔鱼发育阶段。试验表明,黑鲷(♀)×真鲷(♂)杂交子代的可育性,也为进一步的鲷科优良品种选育提供更多基础资料。 Based on the successful breeding of hybrids of black seabream (♀) × seabream (♂) based on the successful breeding of mariculture species with abundant types and heterosis, from April to May 2016, The offspring (♂) and black sea bream (♀) are broodstock (males and females with a ratio of 1: 1) and are housed in the same pool of cement in a room with a water temperature of 16-20 ° C and a salinity of 23-25. Hatches of simultaneously developed naturally fertilized eggs The microscopic images were used to observe the developmental timing and morphological characteristics of backcross embryos and early larvae. The results showed that the fertilized eggs of the backcross were hatched, and embryos and larvae developed normally. Under the conditions of water temperature of 18-20.2 ℃, salinity of 25 and micro-aeration, the fertilized eggs completed embryo development after 42.5 hours and the larvae hatched out of the membrane. The total length of newly hatched larvae was 2.08-2.45 mm. At the temperature of 18-21.8 ℃ and the salinity of 23-25, the larval yolk sac disappeared after about 4 days to complete the development stage of early larvae. The results showed that the fertility of hybrids of black sea bream (♀) × sea bream (♂) also provided more basic information for the further breeding of elm species.
孔子“唯女子与小人难养”、“愚民”政策、“中庸”之道的贬义性几乎成为历史定 案。通过考证,阐明孔子并没有把“女子”与“小人”等同之义,“愚民”政策也非孔子的 本义,“中
“一曰”是许慎分析汉字形、音、义的重要训释体例 :一、言义者 ,二、言形者 ,三、言声者 ,四、兼言数项 “Yi Yue” is an important explanation for Xu Shen’s analysis
为了研究不同光照强度、温度对黑鲷(Acantho pagrusschlegelii)(♀)×真鲷(Pagrosomus major)(♂)杂交F1代受精卵孵化效果及仔鱼存活的影响,作者采用试验生态学的方法比较不