“十年树木,百年树人”。树,就是培育。一说起对孩子的的培育,哪位父母都有扯不完的话题:补充营养;开发智力;考试得了多少分;生病赶快去医院……然而,孩子在情感上有些什么需要呢?比如,孩子想亲亲父母,摸摸妈妈的乳房。应该满足他吗? 一个在校的大学生,年方二十,学习成绩尚好,遵守校规,也能团结同学。就是有一个毛病,见了妇女总是目不转睛地盯着对方的胸脯。莫非他是流氓无赖,道德品质败坏么?且慢下结论,请先听听孩子母
“Ten years of trees, a hundred years of trees ”. Tree, is to cultivate. Speaking of the cultivation of children, which parents have endless questions: nutritional supplements; development of intelligence; how many points have been examinations; get sick and go to the hospital ... ... However, what is the emotional needs of children? For example, Children want to kiss their parents, touch mother’s breasts. Should satisfy him? A college student, twenty years, academic performance is good, abide by the rules, but also to unite classmates. There is a problem, met the women always staring at each other’s breasts. Could it be that he is a rogue rascal, morally corrupt? Slowly concluded, please listen to the child