凡去南阳办事的人们,均要去卧龙岗游览一番。走过“汉昭烈皇帝三顾处”高大的石碑坊,就可见“武候祠”的朱红大门。“武候祠”大殿门两边赫然一幅对联: 心在朝廷原无论先主后主名高天下何必辩襄阳南阳
Anyone who works for Nanyang should visit Wolonggang for some time. Walked through the “Han Zhaoluo Emperor Three Guzhu” tall stone monument Square, you can see the “military temple” Vermilion gate. “Ancestral Temple” hall on both sides impressively a pair of couplets: heart in the court no matter who advocate the main name of why the high defense Xiangyang Nanyang