Eugene O’Neill was born in a devout Catholic home and was deeply influenced and influenced by her parents’ religious ideas. Guided by the subtle education of his parents, he had understood the divine authority and universalism of God and the sacred authority of religious faith. For O’Neill, religion has left a deep mark on his soul, and he should and should have devoted his life to God, praising God in his work. However, he did not, because under the influence of naturalistic theory, his religious outlook has gradually changed. At an early age, he was religiously skeptical, and as he approached middle age, he abandoned and departed from his faith. These changes have brought pain to O’Neill’s soul, which is reflected in the many plays he has created. In the final analysis, these changes lie in the fact that he accepted and accepted naturalism. Through the study of Eugene O’Neill’s drama and his life, the author analyzes the influence of naturalism on his religious view.