室内测定了球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)三个菌株(bbdn8804, bbsg8702和bbsg8701)对桃蚜(Myzus persicae)生殖力的影响。运用生命生殖力表分析了该菌对桃蚜种群的控制能力。结果表明,成蚜被白僵菌感染后至死亡前的生殖率下降不明显,但成蚜的陆续死亡导致感病群体的繁殖量下降,最后导致感病桃蚜的内禀增长能力不同程度的下降,但下降幅度不大。感病成蚜所产后代能正常存活和发育。试验结果显示球孢白僵菌对桃蚜种群的控制作用有一定的局限性。
The effects of three strains of Beauveria bassiana (bbdn8804, bbsg8702 and bbsg8701) on fecundity of Myzus persicae were determined indoors. The ability of the strain to control Myzus persicae population was analyzed using the life-span scale. The results showed that the decline of reproductive rate of adult aphids after being infected by Beauveria bassiana was not obvious, but the successive deaths of aphids resulted in the decrease of the reproductive capacity of susceptible populations, and finally resulted in the intrinsic increase ability of Myzus persicae to varying degrees Decline, but the decline is not large. Offspring of susceptible aphids can survive and develop normally. Test results show Beauveria bassiana Myosphaeria population control has some limitations.