李君海、何日清同志: 你们俩在来信中都问及职业与肿瘤有否联系,生产环境中有哪些致癌物质,以及职业性肿瘤有些什么特点。现一并答复如下。生产过程中接触致癌因素引起的肿瘤称为“职业性肿瘤”。其临床表现、诊治方法与一般肿瘤基本相同,主要差别是其病因已经流行病学调查及长期动物试验证实确与职业性因素有关。目前国际学术界已公认的职业性致癌物质有:沥青、煤焦油、芳香胺类、铬酸盐、镍、石棉、苯、芥子气、氯甲醚、砷、电离辐射等。 18世纪英国一名外科医生首先揭示了职业与肿瘤的关系,他发现伦敦扫烟囱的童工因接触煤烟灰易患阴囊癌。其后陆续出现的报道有:接触煤焦油的工人易患皮肤癌;应用放射性物质的人员多发肺癌、白血病;染料工人好发
Comrade Li Junhai and Comrade He Riqing: In your letter, both of you asked about the connection between occupation and cancer, what carcinogens are in the production environment, and what are the characteristics of occupational cancer. The reply is as follows. Tumors caused by exposure to carcinogenic factors during the production process are called “occupational tumors.” Its clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment methods are basically the same as those of general tumors. The main difference is that its etiology has been confirmed by epidemiological investigations and long-term animal experiments confirm that they are related to occupational factors. Currently recognized occupational carcinogens in the international academic community include: asphalt, coal tar, aromatic amines, chromates, nickel, asbestos, benzene, mustard gas, chloromethyl ether, arsenic, and ionizing radiation. In the 18th century, a surgeon in the United Kingdom first revealed the relationship between occupation and cancer. He found that children working in chimney sweeps in London were susceptible to scrotal cancer due to exposure to soot. The following reports have appeared: Workers exposed to coal tar are prone to skin cancer; those who use radioactive substances have multiple lung cancers and leukemias;