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该文通过将低温C18色谱柱和C30色谱柱组合构建了可用于番茄红素异构体纯化的正交分离方法.研究表明,当色谱柱温低于-20 ℃时,普通C18色谱柱对番茄红素异构体的分离度得到大幅增加.研究了番茄红素的溶解度与分离度之间的关系,并通过该正交方法最终制备了7种纯度均高于97%的番茄红素异构体.相比于单独使用C18柱或C30柱,组建正交分离方法后上样容量和纯度均得到较高的提升.将制得的高纯度全反番茄红素分别溶解于核桃、黑种草籽、巴旦木、葡萄籽、南瓜籽和桃仁油中,在120 ℃下加热并研究其异构化行为.由于向顺式异构体转化的效率最高,葡萄籽油被认为是番茄红素综合开发利用的最佳选择.此外,以核桃油为例,研究了所得番茄红素异构体在食用油中4℃储藏过程中的稳定性.结果表明,随着储存时间的增加,番茄红素异构体间的异构化和降解将同时进行.与其他异构体相比,全反式和(13Z)-番茄红素是较为优势的构象,这在食用油和番茄红素联合开发产品的过程中更应获得重视.该研究结果将为番茄红素的工业应用提供有益信息.“,”In this work,an orthogonal separation method was developed for the separation of lyco-pene isomers based on the combination of low temperature(L-T)C18 column and C30 column.As the temperature decreased to-20℃,the resolution for the separation of lycopene isomers on a nor-mal C18 column was greatly improved.After investigating the relation of solubility and resolution,seven kinds of lycopene isomers were finally prepared by the orthogonal separation method with their purities all higher than 97%.The loading capacity and purification effect of the orthogonal method for lycopene were much higher than that of the method only based on L-T C18 or C30 column.Then,the obtained all-trans lycopene were dissolved in walnuts oil,black seed oil,almonds oil,grape seed oil,pumpkin seed oil and peach kernel oil,respectively,and heated at 120 ℃ to study their isom-erization.Grape seed oil was regarded as the most valuable solvent for developing lycopene product due to its highest cis/all-trans ratio of lycopene isomers after heating.Finally,the stability of cis-iso-mers at 4 ℃ in edible oils was investigated by taking walnut oil as the example.Both the isomeriza-tion and degradation of these isomers happened with the increase of storage time.All-trans lycopene and(13Z)lycopene were found as the preferential conformations in walnut oil.The obtained results were expected to provide some beneficial information for the development of lycopene product.
In the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent landmasses, faults are very complex, and their distribution is closely related to plate tectonics, ocean–land boundary, and
本文建议先对缓和曲线方程进行换算,然后再按常规方法直接放样缓和曲线的边线,可使作业简便快捷。 This paper proposes to convert the easement curve equation, and then