来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheen
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A particular emphasis is put on a novel wearable exoskeleton arm,ZJUESA,with 6 degrees of freedom,which is used for the robot teleoperation with the force-feedback in the unknown environment.In this external structure mechanism,the 3-revolution-prismatic-spherical(3RPS) parallel mechanism is devised from the concept of the human upper-limb anatomy and applied for the shoulder 3-DOF joint.Meanwhile,the orthogonal experiment design method is introduced for its optimal design.Aiming at enhancing the performance of teleoperation,the force feedback is employed by the pneumatic system on ZJUESA to produce the vivid feeling in addition to the soft control interface.Due to the compressibility and nonlinearity of the pneumatic force feedback system, a novel hybrid fuzzy controller for the precise force control is proposed and realized based on the Mega8 microcontroller units as the units of the distributed control system on ZJUESA.With the results of several experiments for master-slave control with force feedback,the feasibility of ZJUESA system and the effect of its hybrid fuzzy controller are verified. A particular emphasis is put on a novel wearable exoskeleton arm, ZJUESA, with 6 degrees of freedom, which is used for the robot teleoperation with the force-feedback in the unknown environment. This external structure mechanism, the 3-revolution-prismatic- spherical (3RPS) parallel mechanism is devised from the concept of the human upper-limb anatomy and applied for the shoulder 3-DOF joint. Meanwhile, the orthogonal experiment design method is introduced for its optimal design. Aiming at enhancing the performance of teleoperation, the force feedback is employed by the pneumatic system on ZJUESA to produce the vivid feeling in addition to the soft control interface. Due to compressibility and nonlinearity of the pneumatic force feedback system, a novel hybrid fuzzy controller for the precise force control is proposed and realized based on the Mega8 microcontroller units as the units of the distributed control system on ZJUESA.With the results of several experiments for master-slave control with force feedback, the feasibility of ZJUESA system and the effect of its hybrid fuzzy controller are verified.
【摘 要】卡通画是深受初中生喜爱的一种绘画形式,在中学美术课本中作为独立章节出现无异于给大家一个惊喜!如何激发兴趣并引导学生大胆展开创作,是美术教师遇到的新问题。在教学实践中,笔者从单个形象创作入手到借用“四格漫画”形式表现生活情节,由浅入深,循序渐进地完成了学生由兴趣到志趣,从临摹到创意的转换,为美术课打开了一扇新的窗户。  【关键词】初中;卡通画创作;创意;表达;体验  现代初中生是在卡通片的
【摘 要】节奏是音乐教学中非常重要的元素。而在小学中低年级的音乐教学中,学生还处于音乐学习的初级阶段,音符的时值又是个比较抽象的概念,对于该阶段的学生来说是比较难理解和掌握的。为此,本文旨在通过节奏儿歌训练、身体律动训练、创作训练、视谱训练等教学策略的探讨,希望在小学中低年段音乐基础教学中,从节奏入手,通过创编节奏儿歌、引导学生结合“身体律动”等形式区别并学习各种基本节奏(包括四分音符、八分音符、
【摘 要】良好的表达能力,来自于良好的沟通习惯。如何引导儿童善于表达、适切表达具有其重要意义。  【关键词】儿童;换位思考;观察;体悟;沟通  从教以来,接触的儿童有很多,身边总会发现几个不爱说话的儿童。即使你怎样去努力让他们说,也是达不到目的,难道这些儿童就真的不喜欢说话吗?是什么原因让这些儿童不喜欢说话呢?有没有办法能让这些不爱说话的儿童变得喜欢和你说呢?通过多年的观察和反思,我摸索出了一些做
目的:   利用X片及CT扫描检测方法,测量腰椎滑脱患者滑脱程度并对关节突关节角、关节突关节的退变等级等形态学指标进行测量;与对照组测量结果进行比较,明确退行性腰椎滑脱后