Diode-end-pumped Nd:YVO_4/LBO lasers with 4.2W continuous-wave output at 457 nm

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sisi200713
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A continuous-wave(CW) 457 nm blue laser operating at the power of 4.2 W is demonstrated by using a fiber coupled laser diode module pumped Nd:YVO4 and using LBO as the intra-cavity SHG crystal.With the optimization of laser cavity and crystal parameters,the laser operates at a very high efficiency.When the pumping power is about 31 W,the output at 457 nm reaches 4.2 W,and the optical to optical conversion efficiency is about 13.5% accordingly.The stability of the output power is better than 1.2% for 8 h continuously working. A continuous-wave (CW) 457 nm blue laser operating at the power of 4.2 W is demonstrated by using a fiber coupled laser diode module pumped Nd: YVO4 and using LBO as the intra-cavity SHG crystal. Due the optimization of laser cavity and crystal parameters, the laser operates at a very high efficiency .When the pumping power is about 31 W, the output at 457 nm reaches 4.2 W, and the optical to optical conversion efficiency is about 13.5% accordingly. stability. better than 1.2% for 8 h continuously working.
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