惺惺惜惺惺 导演话导演——德国导演鲁克·彭迪介绍

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德国是欧洲的一个戏剧大国,尤其是近20年来,导演界新秀倍出,人才济济。位于东柏林的德意志剧院久负盛名,凡能于这家剧院导戏或演戏,一向被德国戏剧界人士视为艺术生涯中的一件大事。德国著名导演彼得·施泰因曾长期任职德意志剧院院长兼总导演。他一向注意发现并提携新的年轻导演,鲁克·彭迪就是慧眼识人的他在70年代发现并委以重任的一位。施泰因应法国《戏剧与观众》双月刊记者采访,详细介绍应邀参加法国1989年度秋季艺术节并导演了德国著名剧作家施尼茨勒尔剧作《孤独的旅途》的德国导演新秀鲁克·彭迪。目前欧洲各国戏剧交流十分频繁,导演和演员的流动性很大,经常是既在自己本国的剧院里导戏或粉墨登场,又不时应邀奔赴他国在人家的舞台上大显身手。因此,施泰因在谈到彭迪时,首先指明他以为鲁克·彭迪是德意志戏剧的一只有着法兰西色彩的羽毛 Germany is a theater power in Europe, especially in the past 20 years, the director circles have twice as many talents and talents. The prestigious Deutsche Schauenstadt in East Berlin has always been regarded by the German theater industry as a major event in its career as a director of theater or acting at this theater. German well-known director Peter Stein had long served as German theater president and director. He has always been aware of the discovery and the introduction of a new young director, Luke · Pendi is a visionary who found in the 70s and entrusted with the task. Stein should be France’s “Drama and Audience” bimonthly interviews with reporters, detailing invited to participate in the French Autumn Festival in 1989 and directed the famous German playwright Schneizliller play “solitary journey,” the German director rookie Peng Di At present, there are frequent exchanges of theater in Europe. Directors and actors are highly mobile. They often play a role in the theater or in their own country, and occasionally invite others to go abroad to play their part in the arena of others. Therefore, when Stein talked about Pendie, he first pointed out that he thought that Ruck Pendi was a French-styled feather in German drama
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