以“中福在线”为代表的“视频彩票”初时浮出水面便让一些人敏感的神经为之悸动。有人甚至振臂惊呼:这不是名副其实的赌场吗?这种担忧因其是忧社会之稳定其情可原其心可表,在是却有不明真相就发议论之嫌。一个公认的规律是,当一个国家的人均 GDP 从1000美元向3000美元迈进时,往往是产业结构剧烈变化、社会格局重新调整、利益矛盾不断增加、收入加速分化的时期。
The “video lottery” represented by “Zhongfu Online” surfaced some sensitive nerves. Some people even exclaimed: This is not a real casino it? Because of its concern for the stability of the social stability of its feelings can be the original, but there is an unidentified truth on the alleged controversy. A generally accepted law is that when a country’s per capita GDP moves from $ 1,000 to $ 3,000, it is often a period in which the industrial structure is drastically changed, the social structure is readjusted, the conflicts between interests are constantly aggravated, and income is accelerated and differentiated.