2002年教师节,山东省滨州市举行全市庆祝教师节暨师德报告会。300多人的会场上鸦雀无声,一位年轻的小伙子正用流利的普通话,讲述着他用生命铸就师魂的人生轨迹,在场的人们听着他的动人事迹,无不感动得流下热泪。他就是山东省滨州市滨城区逸夫小学语文教师、副校长崔永胜。 崔永胜一米八的个头,黝黑的面庞,容貌略显清瘦,眉宇间透出少有的锐气,眼神里闪烁着智慧的光芒,谈吐中流露出思维的敏捷和
Teacher’s Day in 2002, held in Binzhou City, Shandong Province Teachers’ Day Teachers and teachers report. A crowd of more than 300 people was silent. A young man was fluent in Mandarin and told about the life trajectory he had created with his life. People present listened to his touching deeds, and all touched tears. He is the Shaw, Binzhou City, Shandong Province Shaw Town Primary School language teacher, vice president Cui Yongsheng. Choi Yongsheng one meter eighty head, dark complexion, looks a little lean, revealing a rare emerald between the eyebrows, eyes flashing light of wisdom, showing the agile in conversation and