本届机场设备展规模较以往有所增加,国外、合资及自主品牌企业均带来其优势产品。在作业类车型上,梅赛德斯-奔驰、斯堪尼亚等国外品牌独领风骚;而在机场摆渡车方面,合资品牌与国产品牌均有产品展出。1 0月中旬的北京秋意正浓,落叶随风飞舞和冷风间歇来袭的场景把秋天表现得淋漓尽致。此时,第6届中国(北京)国际机场技术、设备和服务展览会(简称:机场设备展)于2014年10月15—17日在北京老国展举行,给金秋的北京搭建了一场机场类专用汽车的盛会。这不由
The scale of the current airport equipment exhibition has increased compared with the past, foreign, joint ventures and their own brand companies have brought their advantages products. In the operating category models, Mercedes-Benz, Scania and other foreign brands dominate; and in the airport shuttle bus, the joint venture brands and domestic brands have products on display. In the mid-October, autumn in Beijing was thick with leaves falling in the wind and intermittent struggles in the cold weather. At this time, the 6th China (Beijing) International Airport Technology, Equipment and Services Exhibition (Airport Equipment Exhibition) was held on October 15-17, 2014 in Beijing’s Old Country Exhibition to build a Airport Special Purpose Vehicle event. This is not help