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浆状炸药由于具有抗水性强、密度高、比容威力大、使用安全等一系列的特点与优点,已逐渐在国内外矿山中得到推广。然而,我国北方矿山在使用4号、5号浆状炸药过程中,发现它在低温条件下会丧失塑性,而且感度和威力也大幅度下降。以包钢白云鄂博铁矿为例,寒冷季节长达6~7个月,每年12月~3月份期间,积雪不化,最低温度达-33℃。因此,如何增强浆状炸药的抗冻性能,是我国北方露天矿推广浆状炸药的关键之一。为此,由白云鄂博铁矿、包头钢校、包钢矿山研究室组成三结合试验小组、于1972年9月至1974年2月期间进行了浆状炸药的抗冻性能研究。试验组在毛主席革命路线指引下,在包钢党委的领导下,得到有关 Due to its advantages such as strong water resistance, high density, high specific capacity, safe use and a series of features and advantages, slurry explosives have been gradually popularized in mines at home and abroad. However, in the process of using No. 4 and No. 5 slurry explosives in the mines of northern China, they found that they would lose plasticity under low temperature conditions and their sensitivity and power would also be greatly reduced. Taking Baoyun Baiyunebo Iron Mine as an example, the cold season lasts for 6 to 7 months. During December to March each year, the snow does not change and the minimum temperature reaches -33 ℃. Therefore, how to enhance the frost resistance of the slurry explosives is one of the key points to promote the slurry explosives in northern open-pit mines. To this end, the Bayan Obo Iron Mine, Baotou Steel School, Baotou Steel Mine Research Laboratory composed of three combined test group, in the period from September 1972 to February 1974 conducted a slurry of frost resistance properties. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and under the leadership of the Baotou Steel Party Committee, the experimental group was given relevant information
目的:  (1)比较在糖尿病兔注射部位采用两种不同温度注射胰岛素后,血清胰岛素浓度、达峰时间(Tmax)、峰浓度(Cmax)和血清胰岛素浓度曲线下面积(AUC)的差异;  (2)比较在糖尿病
格隆德(Grund)铅锌矿所在的西德哈尔茨山区已有五个世纪的采矿历史。 1866年普鲁士国家将哈尔茨地区所有矿山收归国有。1923年交给普鲁士矿冶公司。巴特格隆德的几个矿井现