《现代物流系列讲座》第二十六讲 生产企业经营战略与物流合理化的途径

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一、生产企业经营战略生产企业的经营战略是企业的灵魂,经营战略的正确与否是决定企业利润盈亏乃至企业生存的关键。生产企业的经营战略可列举出:市场战略、质量战略、价格战略、销售战略、信息战略、人才战略、品牌战略等等。就我国现状而言,要把握好企业的经营战略,确保企 First, the business strategy of manufacturing enterprises The business strategy of the production enterprises is the soul of the enterprise. Whether the business strategy is correct or not is the key to determining the profits and losses of enterprises and even the survival of the enterprises. Producer business strategy may list: market strategy, quality strategy, price strategy, sales strategy, information strategy, talent strategy, brand strategy and so on. As far as the status quo of our country is concerned, we must take a firm grasp of the business strategy of enterprises and ensure that the enterprises are enterprises
上世纪九十年代末,我作为“把关教师”被安排到一所村级小学教毕业班数学兼班主任,这个班教师调换频繁,学习风气特差,三十多个孩子,没几个用心学习的。欧湘峰是最突出的一个,他是班里年龄最大的男孩,也是全校有名的“逃学大王”,在同学中还颇有号召力,带着几名“兄弟”来去自由,有时一两天都不进校门,在地里田间到处游玩。老校长把我当成救星,要我一定想想办法,说不改变欧湘峰,这个班就没救了。  我开始试着了解他,