广告通过信息传播增 进公众对产品的了 解。广告语言饱含情 感色彩又耐人寻味,它寓文学性、艺术性、创造性于一体。广告不仅表现企业的价值取向,也反映经营者取信于民、立身于世的精神境界。 广告的误区在于,有的企业恰恰忽略了自己的根本宗旨与市场走向,却注重在强化推销中围追堵截消费者的视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉,它的修辞手法欠妥,还有重要一条就是违背了诚、实、信、达的商业准则。
Advertising promotes public understanding of the product through information dissemination. The advertising language is full of sentimental colors and intriguing. It is literary, artistic and creative. Advertising not only represents the value orientation of the company, but also reflects the spiritual realm in which the managers win trust and live in the world. The misunderstanding of advertising lies in the fact that some companies have neglected their fundamental aims and market trends, but have focused on slashing the visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory senses of consumers in enhancing sales promotion. The rhetorical devices are ill-conceived and there is an important violation. The business principles of honesty, honesty, faith, and achievement.