In an interview with Julia Kristeva in Paris, commissioned by the editorial department of “Dialogue, Carnival, Space-Time Volume”, Camille Ali-Mouri talked mainly about the origins of Christiva’s acceptance and dissemination of Bakhtin’s ideas in the West. Tells the impact of Bakhtin, and gives the basic evaluation of Bakhtin’s academic value and practical significance. She thinks Bakhtin is a real revolution for Europe. While researching and introducing Bakhtin, she also “wrote” her own thoughts in those contexts. The concepts of dialogue, dialogism, intertextuality, otherness and unconsciousness proposed by Bakhtin have been exerting a significant influence. Bakhtin is not only an expert, but also a creator, inspirational creator, and brilliant creator. He is the source of two new and important dimensions in literature: one is the dimension of the other and the other is the dimension of the history and evolution of the genre. There are two kinds of Bakhtin’s legacy: on the one hand, cultural and semiotic, on the other hand, the narrow sense of the heritage of literature, that is, around the concept of dialogue and the concept of variation - - Intertextuality and can be built up that legacy.