
来源 :广东林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljs19841215
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于1991~1997年,对广东省桉树的主要害虫进行了研究。针对桉树害虫的为害时间集中在每年的4~6月份和主要为害当年营造的幼林这一特点,对食叶害虫采取以林业措施为主;对地下害虫采取林业措施和化学防治并举的策略。在桉树林内套种菠萝或营造混交林,可有效地防治印度黄脊蝗;柠檬桉袋蛾只为害柠檬桉幼林,在虫灾区只要改种其它桉树即可控制该虫发生;6月后造林可避开害虫为害期。用3%呋喃丹颗粒剂于造林时每株施5g于根际,可有效控制蛴螬、白蚁等为害并兼治食叶害虫;用100kg米糠炒香,加90%敌百虫2kg制成毒饵防治大蟋蟀,用100kg切碎的柠檬桉叶加0.5kg甲胺磷乳油制成毒饵防治二纹土潜,效果都较好;用25%灭幼脲Ⅲ号胶悬剂防治鳞翅目害虫,防效达90%以上。 From 1991 to 1997, the main pests of eucalyptus in Guangdong Province were studied. Eucalypt pest damage time focused on the annual 4 to June and the main damage was created when the characteristics of young forest, leafy pests to take the forestry measures based; on the underground pests to take forestry measures and chemical control simultaneously both strategies. Intercropping pineapple or mixed forest in eucalyptus forest can effectively prevent and cure the yellow ridge locust; lemon, moth, moth is only for the young plant of lemon and eucalyptus, so long as it replaces other eucalyptus in the disaster area, it can be controlled; Pests open pests. With 3% carbofuran granules in the afforestation 5g per plant in the rhizosphere, which can effectively control scabies, termites and other pests and disease-ridden pests; with 100kg rice bran saute, add 90% trichlorfon 2kg made bait prevention Crickets, with 100kg chopped lemon eucalyptus leaves plus 0.5kg methamidophos EC made bait bait soil subsidence, the effect is better; prevention and control leprosy pest with 25% Efficiency of more than 90%.
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