事件背景 美国留学生方舟子对核酸保健品的营养价值提出质疑。 2001年2月22日《南方周末》报在头版发表了记者杨海鹏题为“三位诺贝尔奖科学家指斥中国核酸营养品”的长文,指出“核酸营养没有任何科学依据”。 2001年2月11日在上海、2月22日在北京分别召开了“全国核酸类物质功能及应用研讨会”和“中国核酸类物质应用与健康相关产业发展听证会”。 2001年5月17日,《南方周末》报刊载了大连珍奥生物工程股份有限公司董事长陈玉松先生的来信,信中反驳了核酸保健品无营养的论断。 核酸风波的争论焦点在于核酸以保健品的形式出现是否能达到其补充人体不足的作用。这一问题在正、反双方的论战中具体表现为:核酸保健品是否有科学依据?人体能否吸收外源性核酸?在交锋中,双方各持己见,铺陈论据。
Event Background American student Fang Zhouzi questioned the nutritional value of nucleic acid health products. On February 22, 2001, Southern Weekend published a headline essay by Yang Haipeng, a long article entitled “Three Nobel Prize Scientists Denounce Chinese Nutraceuticals,” pointing out that “there is no scientific basis for nucleic acid nutrition.” February 11, 2001 in Shanghai, February 22 in Beijing held a “national functions and applications of nucleic acid substances and seminars” and “China’s application of nucleic acids and health-related industry hearing.” On May 17, 2001, Southern Weekend published a letter from Mr. Chen Yusong, chairman of Dalian Zhenao Bioengineering Co., Ltd., refuting the non-nutritional statement of nucleic acid supplements. Nucleic acid controversy is the controversy of nucleic acids in the form of health products appear to be able to achieve its role in complementing the human body. This issue in the positive and negative sides of the controversy in the concrete manifestation of: nucleic acid health products whether there is a scientific basis? The human body can absorb exogenous nucleic acids? In the confrontation, the two sides each hold their own views, lay arguments.