Annihilating the Nothing: Hegel and Nishitani on The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism

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In Nishitani's The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism,Nishitani explores,among other related topics,the history of the problem of Nihilism in the West.Conspicuously absent from Nishitani's historical analysis is the thought of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi,who famously raised the charge of Nihilism against Fichte's philosophy in 1799.As is evident from a variety of Hegel's texts,Hegel explicitly responds to Jacobi's charge against Speculative Idealism and designs his philosophy in part as a response to Jacobi's charge of Nihilism.On the one hand,Nishitani fails to appreciate Hegel's philosophy as a response to the problem of Nihilism because he has an incomplete possession of the history of the problem.On the other hand,Nishitani's critique of Hegel begs the question.Nishitani's dogmatic rejection of Hegel appears to be grounded in his methodologicalapproach to the philosophy of history,which assumes the falsehood of Hegel's account.Jacobi's charge against Speculative Idealism consists in the Idealist's failure to account for the very existence of the world.On his view,philosophy is Nihilism because the world disappears completely from philosophical speculation.Hegel attempts to overcome this charge of Nihilism by re-thinking the structure and content of reason.
中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A DOI:10.19387/j.cnki.1009-0592.2019.12.327  现有模拟法庭常规教学中,主要是通过选取经典案例,让学生分别扮演法官、原告(或公诉机关)、被告(或刑事被告人)、辩护人、法警等角色,模拟重现法庭审判。然而在司法实务中,庭审只是案件审判的其中