Quanzhou Sixth History Group in the history of the second classroom teaching practice has achieved good results. Quanzhou Institute of Education, “Teaching Newsletter” (the sixth edition of history) for this album published articles of the school teachers and students, and on May 20, 1985, held in Quanzhou six “Jinjiang middle school history subject second classroom teaching Live meeting. ” Present at the meeting were provincial, prefectural and other relevant leaders at all levels, the region’s education predecessors, celebrities in Quanzhou historians, Quanzhou Overseas Transportation Museum, prefectural and city hall and other relevant comrades, as well as Quanzhou Teachers College history section of teachers and students There were more than 200 representatives from various brothers and middle schools in the area. During the conference, leading comrades of Fujian Province Historical Society Xiamen Branch, Quanzhou Institute of Education and Quanzhou Education Bureau arrived at the meeting. Comrade Cai Changxi, the leader of history teaching and research group in Quanzhou, made a report on the education reform in the past year. The comrades also visited the school history group showroom teaching reform exhibition. Exhibits include the second classroom activities silhouette information, a variety of images made by students, Beitou, students collect and sort out various coins, ancient pottery, stamps of historical relics screen, student essay collection. Among them, self-made teaching aids were particularly noticeable, such as “Cheng Chenggong statue”, “Zheng Chenggong recover Taiwan’s three-dimensional model map”, “Southern Song Quanzhou seaflight route model map”, "Southern Song Quanzhou Bay