黔西南州三大开发区之一的德卧,正围绕一个“抢”字,进一步调整开放开发的战略部署。 德卧开发区位于安龙县西南部,以南盘江为界同广西隆林县相邻,面积207平方公里,人口3.5万人,南昆铁路穿越镇域19.8公里。开发区党委在“西部大开发,德卧怎么干”的大讨论中达成共识:树立自觉服从服务于西部大开发的观念,坚持“依托南昆铁路,实现观念、政策、产业、人才全方位开发;招商引资,加
Dewey, one of the three major development zones in Qianxinan Prefecture, is now around a “grab” word to further adjust the strategic deployment of opening up and development. Located in the southwest of Anlong County, Dewo Development Zone is adjacent to Longlin County in Guangxi Province, with an area of 207 square kilometers and a population of 35,000 people. The Nankun Railway runs 19.8 kilometers across the town. The Party Committee of the Development Zone has reached a consensus on the major discussion on “developing the western region and how it can work hard”: to establish a self-centered concept of serving the development of the western region and adhering to the principle of "relying on the Nankun Railway to realize the all-directional development of concepts, policies, industries and talents Investment, plus