就在红卫兵抄于光远的家、小东日记被没收的那一天,还出现几件有意思的事。 文革初期,给许许多多中学生带来了实惠,不用上学听课,不用作业考试,整天“冲冲杀杀”,象做游戏一般,一会儿给黑帮戴高帽子游街;一会儿给“牛鬼蛇神”挂大牌子示众;一会儿贴大字报、刷白石灰大字标语;一会儿到走资派家抄家,顺手牵羊,捞点什么…… 那一天,一群中宣部大院里的红小兵跟着造反派、红卫兵闯进了于光远家的四合院。
Just days before the Red Guards copied Guangyuan’s hometown and Xiao Dong’s diary was confiscated, several interesting things appeared. In the early days of the Cultural Revolution, many middle school students were brought benefits. They did not have to go to school to attend classes or do homework exams. Instead, they tried their best to kill and kill all day long. ; While posting the poster, brush white lime language slogan; while to go capitalist family to copy home, go hand in hand, what to fish ... ... That day, a group of Red Army soldier in the Central Propaganda Department followed the rebels, the Red Guards broke into the light Far from the courtyard.