自Iversen和Surn(1 95 1年 )首次应用经皮肾穿刺活体组织检查的方法以来 ,随着医学的进步 ,穿刺针的改进及影像定位的日益精确 ,肾穿刺活检技术已普及到基层医院。本文拟就本院 1 1 3例肾活检病例做临床与病理的探讨。资料与方法1 研究对象 1 1 3例肾活检病例来源于 2 0 0 0
Since the first application of percutaneous renal biopsy by Iversen and Surn (1951), kidney biopsy has spread to primary hospitals as medicine advances, puncture needles improve, and image positioning becomes more sophisticated. This article intends to 113 cases of renal biopsy in our hospital to do clinical and pathological discussion. Materials and Methods 1 Subjects 1 1 3 cases of renal biopsy from 2000