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公开加盟商电话符离集凭信誉赢市场做餐饮项目,讲求的是不仅仅是口味,招商总部的企业信誉和售后保障,更是至关重要。河北保定的百年老字号符离集香鸡,就是凭借着技绝味美的特色和信誉为先的保障,真正实现了“百店加盟百店火”的财富神话。为了进一步验证加盟商的经营实况,河北保定符离集加盟总部率先大胆的公布出了加盟户史军的地址和电话,以便更多的读者考察和咨询,一时间此举在业内引起了强烈的反响,许多读者更是对这种凭实力的透明化招商竖起了大拇指。符离集的企业信誉不但体现在招商总部对于售后和培训的各个细节之中,就连下级加盟商也把“诚信”贯穿到了经营的始终。自从加盟商史军先生的地址和电话被我刊公布以后,他不但每天都会接到大批读者的咨询电话,而且想登门考察的意向客户特别多,有些投资者为了贪图小利省下几个加盟费,竟然要留在史军的小店学习技术。为人正直的 Open franchisee phone off with the credit to win the market to do catering projects, the emphasis is not just taste, investment headquarters corporate reputation and after-sale protection, is even more crucial. Baoding, Hebei Province, a hundred years away from the original set of fragrant chicken, is relying on the characteristics of taste and taste of the United States as the first protection, the real “hundred stores joined the shop fire” wealth myth. In order to further verify the franchisee business reality, Hebei Baoding Fuji set to join the headquarters boldly announced the franchisee Shi Jun’s address and telephone number for more readers study and consultation, a time in the industry caused a strong Response, many readers even more on the strength of the transparent investment business thumbs up. Rui set from the corporate reputation is not only reflected in the investment headquarters for all details of after-sales and training, and even the lower franchisees also “honesty” throughout the business has always been. Since the address and phone number of Mr. Shi Jun, the franchisee, have been published in my magazine, he not only receives a large number of readers’ inquiries every day, but also a large number of customers who want to go door-to-door inspection. Some investors try to save a few franchises Fees, even to stay in the history of the mart to learn technology. Be honest
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