ATLANTA, USA - In the United States, a study of healthcare beneficiaries has shown that ICCE is almost twice as likely to cause retinal detachment (RD) than cataract extraction (ECCE) compared with cataract extraction The study included an analysis of all 33,841 healthcare beneficiaries over the age of 65. They were admitted to a U.S. hospital for cataract removal in 1984. Javitt, a researcher, notes that ECCE is the most commonly performed cataract surgery. While 31% of health care beneficiaries were treated with ICC, 9% were treated with phacoemulsification. After ICCE, the risk of re-hospitalization for retinal detachment within 4 years was 1.55%, which is more than 1.5 times the risk associated with ECCE. After phacoemulsification, the risk of retinal detachment was 1.17%. Javitt points out that when combined with cataract surgery and anterior vitrectomy, the overall 4-year risk for RD increased to 5% over the risk of cataract alone (1.12%), taking this group as a whole Times Young patients may be hospitalized for RD more than older adults.