饭后茶余的法国人都干些什么呢? 法国文化部最近就法国人的业余活动进行了一番调查。与一九七三年的调查相比较,发现业余活动中,体育活动的开展较其他活动发展得更快。首先是个人体育活动开展得更普遍了。慢跑运动已成为法国人特别喜爱的一项活动,参加者居各项体育活动人数之首,其中职员和自由职业者占31.2%,工人占16%。游泳也是受人欢迎的一个项目,14.7%的法国人经常参加游泳。足球运动最引人注目,踢足球的人越来越多了。
What are the French people doing after meals and tea? The French Ministry of Culture recently conducted a survey on the French leisure activities. Compared with the survey conducted in 1973, sports activities were found to have developed more rapidly than other activities in their leisure activities. The first is more personal sports activities carried out more generally. Jogging has become a particularly popular French activity with participants in the top of all sporting activities, including 31.2% for staff and freelance workers and 16% for workers. Swimming is also a welcome project, 14.7% of French people often participate in swimming. The most striking football, football more and more people.