水稻种子发芽试验采用纸床(TP)较为简便易行,与以往干籽直接置床发芽相比,对种子进行浸泡后置床发芽结果有较大的差异。本试验旨在采用不同的处理方法探求种子最大发芽率,以利于为生产者和经营者决策提供科学依据。 1 试验材料与方法 1.1 试验材料试验采用1999年新收获的水稻种子汕优559、武运粳7号和9707。 1.2 试验方法试验设两种处理方法,处理Ⅰ干籽直接置床(TP),处理Ⅱ种子在30℃的发芽箱内浸种48h后置床(TP)。每处理发
Rice seed germination test using paper (TP) is relatively simple and easy, compared with the previous direct seeding bed seed germination, seed germination on the seedbed after the results are quite different. The purpose of this experiment is to explore the maximum germination rate of seeds by different treatment methods in order to facilitate the decision-making for producers and managers to provide a scientific basis. 1 Test Materials and Methods 1.1 Test Materials The test was conducted in 1999 using newly harvested rice seeds Shanyou 559, Wuyunjing 7 and 9707. 1.2 Test methods Two treatments were set up to treat Ⅰ seed directly placed bed (TP), Ⅱ seeds were soaked in germinating box at 30 ℃ for 48h and then placed in bed (TP). Each hair treatment