
来源 :生殖与避孕 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jieminglin
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本文报道了使用英国CLERVIEW药盒对69例原发不孕妇女,49例继发不育妇女的宫颈细胞沙眼衣原体抗原的检测结果,结果表明:69例原发不孕妇女与49例继发不育妇女宫颈细胞沙眼衣原体感染率分别为18.75%、28.57%.继发不育组阳性率稍高.二者相比经χ~2检验,P>0.05,无显著差异.两组衣原体抗原的病例常伴有较长期的不孕史(5~8年)、反复流产史、盆腔炎、宫外孕以及低体重儿史.她们的子宫输卵管造影结果显示输卵管炎,输卵管粘连,输卵管阻塞率达82.60%.文章提示直接检测宫颈细胞上的衣原体抗原有助于分析鉴别因输卵管因素所致不育. This paper reports the detection results of cervical chlamydia trachomatis antigen in 69 cases of primary infertile women and 49 cases of secondary infertile women using the British CLERVIEW kit. The results showed that 69 cases of primary infertile women and 49 cases of secondary infertility The infective rates of cervical Chlamydia trachomatis in infertile women were 18.75% and 28.57%, respectively.The positive rates of secondary infertility group were slightly higher than those of the other two groups, there was no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05) Often accompanied by a longer history of infertility (5-8 years), repeated abortion history, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and low birth weight children history of their hysterosalpingography results showed salpingitis, tubal adhesions, tubal obstruction rate of 82.60%. The article suggests that direct detection of chlamydial antigens on cervical cells may help to identify and identify infertility due to fallopian tube factors.
患者,12岁,社会性别女。未来月经。因尿道下裂来院求治。 体查:外貌无特殊、智力正常,身高143cm、体重42kg,乳房未发育、外阴似女性,大阴唇膨隆,阴蒂肥大,似小阴茎,腹股沟处