市场经济的基本特征之一是竞争。企业之间“抢占市场”又是竞争的主要表现。企业该怎样占领市场呢? 一、精心策划广告,用广告攻势占领 现代成功的企业无不重视广告,通过广告使产品名扬四海。进行广告攻势,体现企业自信,自我肯定,推销企业产品是一个方面,但更重要的是使用户不让别的企业“占领”。如“春都”食品集团在多次重要的展销会上打出“今年无货,明年再见”的告示。这不是故弄玄虚说假话,他们的订单确
One of the basic features of a market economy is competition. The “preemption of the market” among enterprises is also a major manifestation of competition. How should companies dominate the market? 1. Well-planned advertising, using advertising offensive Occupy Modern successful companies are all paying attention to advertising, through advertising to make the product famous. Conducting advertising offensives, reflecting self-confidence, self-affirmation, and marketing of corporate products are one aspect, but it is more important to prevent users from “occupying” other companies. For example, the “Chundu” food group made a “No goods this year, see you again this year” notice at several important trade fairs. This is not a mystery to tell lies, their order is indeed