北京市顺义区南法信镇北部的三家店村是一个只有215户、人口不足500人的小村庄。十四年前,这个村是镇里乃至区里最头疼的一个村,因为它有“三多”:村民对支部看法多、上访告状多、无业游民多。十四年过去了,在历史漫漫的长河中,十四年只是弹指一瞬间,可对于这个拥有“三多”历史的村子来说,却发生了实实在在的翻天覆地的变化:村民人均收入达万元,基本解决养老、医疗问题,引进了1 3家企业进驻本村,发展了28家私营个体企业。三家店村也由过去的“三多”变成了现在的“三无”:无上访事件,无计划外生育,无重大刑事治安事件。十四年来,三家店村先后被评为顺义区法制宣传教育先进集体、北京郊区文明生态村、流动人口和出租房屋服务管理工作先进服务站、顺义区农村集体经济产权制度改革先进村、巾帼示范村、先进基层党组织、巾帼绿化美化示范村等。说到三家店村的这些变化,就不得不提到一个人,她就是三家店村党支部书记、村委会主任冯艳芹。
Sanjiancun Village, north of Shunfa District, Shunyi District, Beijing, is a small village with only 215 households and a population of less than 500. Fourteen years ago, this village was the most troubling village in the town and even in the district because it had many “three mores”: the villagers had more opinions on the branch, more petitioners complained, and more unemployed people. Fourteen years have passed. In the long course of history, only fourteen years have passed since the turn of the long river of history. Real changes have taken place in this village that has a history of more than three. The per capita average of villagers With an income of 10,000 yuan, basically solving old age and medical problems, 13 enterprises were introduced into the village and 28 private individual enterprises were developed. Sanjiancun Village has also changed from the past “San Duo” to the present “San Wu”: no petitions, no unplanned births and no major criminal and security incidents. For 14 years, Sanjiancun Village has been awarded the advanced collective of legal system of propaganda and education in Shunyi District, civilized ecological village in suburbs of Beijing, advanced service station for floating population and rental housing service management, advanced village in Shunyi District for the reform of rural collective economic property right system, Village, advanced grass-roots party organizations, women’s and girls’ greening and beautification demonstration villages. Speaking of these changes in Samdian Village, I have to mention a person, she is the village branch party secretary of three village committee director Feng Yanqin.