1928年3月,李先念受党的派遣,秘密回到家乡——湖北黄安(今红安)县高桥区九龙乡,组织游击队,开展地下武装斗争。 他在深入群众宣传发动的过程中,了解到当地“地头蛇”陈志斌的种种劣行。特别是得知陈志斌有几次领着白军,屠杀共产党员,捕捉农会干部,有一次还差点把我工农革命军第七军江竹青所领导的特务队“包了饺子”时,李先念怒火中烧,决定迅速除掉这条毒蛇,为牺牲的同志报仇。
In March 1928, Li Xiannian was dispatched by the party and secretly returned to his hometown - Jiulong Township, Gao’an District, Huang’an County, Hubei Province. He organized guerrillas and conducted underground armed struggle. During the process of going into the process of mass publicity and mobilization, he learned about the misdeeds of the local “snakehead” Chen Zhibin. In particular, he learned that Chen Zhibin had led the White Army on several occasions, massacred communists and captured cadres in the peasant association. On one occasion, Li Xiannian was angered while “almost dumping” the secret service team led by Jiang Zhuqing, the seventh man of the Workers ’and Peasants’ Revolutionary Army. Burning, decided to quickly get rid of this poisonous snake, revenge for the expense of comrades.