1 临床资料 本组病例均为男性,年龄20岁以下4例,20~50岁48例,50岁以上6例。据实用内科学分期标准,属兴奋期者22例,共济失调者27例,昏睡期者9例。病人就诊后首先选用山莨菪碱,能口服者口服,否则予以静脉注射,用量在10~30mg之间,同时予以静脉注射葡萄糖液,肌肉注射VB_1100mg。 疗效判定,显著有效:患者于用药后安静入睡,无烦躁及恶心呕吐,皮肤转暖,尿量增加,醒后无头痛,经短时休息恢复劳动力。有效:用药后患者间断入睡,燥躁减轻,偶有恶心呕吐、皮肤不冷、尿多,醒后仍有头痛及恶心,经稍长时间休息才能恢复劳动力。无效:症状与用药前无显著差别。
1 clinical data of this group of patients were male, under the age of 20 in 4 cases, 20 to 50 years in 48 cases, 50 years of age in 6 cases. According to the practical standards of internal medicine staging, is an excitement in 22 cases, ataxia in 27 cases, 9 cases of drowsiness. The patient first selected anisodamine after treatment, can oral oral, otherwise be given intravenously, the amount of 10 ~ 30mg, at the same time to intravenous glucose solution, intramuscular injection of VB_1100mg. Judgment of efficacy, significant and effective: patients sleep quietly after medication, no irritability and nausea and vomiting, skin warming, increased urine output, no headache after waking, restoring labor after a short rest. Effective: the patient intermittently fell asleep after treatment, restlessness, occasional nausea and vomiting, the skin is not cold, urine and more, still have headache and nausea after waking, after a little rest to restore labor. Invalid: no significant difference between the symptoms and medication.