针对空间质子诱发CCD性能退化问题,开展了 CCD质子辐照效应的三维蒙特卡罗模拟研究.采用三维蒙特卡罗软件 Geant4模拟计算了不同能量质子在 Si和 SiO2中的射程及 Bragg 峰,分析了不同能量质子在材料中能量沉积的过程,并将模拟结果与相关数据进行对比,模拟误差在5%以内.根据质子与材料相互作用的物理过程,选取了合适的 Lindhard分离函数,添加合适的物理过程,模拟计算了不同能量质子在 SiO2中的电离能量损失和 Si中的非电离能量损失,并将结果与国外相关数据进行对比.根据 CCD 的生产工艺参数,建立了单个像元的三维模拟模型,确定了质子辐照损伤的灵敏体积,模拟计算了不同能量质子在像元灵敏体积内的电离能量沉积与非电离能量沉积,分析了CCD不同能量质子的辐照损伤差异产生的机理.结合粒子输运计算结果与CCD质子辐照实验结果,分析了质子辐照诱发CCD辐射敏感参数退化的物理机制.“,”Numerical calculation and analysis of proton radiation effects on CCD based on Monte Carlo method were devel-oped by Geant4,a 3-D Monte Carlo code.The projected ranges and Bragg peaks of protons in Si and SiO2were calculated and the results were in good agreement with the reference data.The ionizing energy losses of protons in SiO2and non-ionizing energy los-ses in Si were also calculated and the results were in good agreement with the reference data.The detailed geometry model of the pixel of CCD was established.The ionizing energy deposition and non-ionizing energy deposition in the sensitive region of CCD caused by protons at different energy were calculated.The proton radiation effects on CCD were analyzed by combining experi-ment results and the numerical calculation.The achievements of this paper provide a basis of theories for CCD radiation degrada-tion mechanisms and radiation damage evaluation study.